The famous Salmon River, located in Oswego County, stretches 17 miles from the Lighthouse Hill Reservoir in Altmar to where it empties into Lake Ontario at Port Ontario. The Salmon River offers some of the finest sport fishing for Chinook (King) Salmon, Atlantic Salmon, Steelhead, and Brown Trout in the country. Two major fish records have been set in the Salmon River: the Great Lakes record Chinook Salmon (47 lbs. 13 oz.) and the world record Coho Salmon (33 lbs. 4 oz.).
Chinook (King) Salmon average 20+ pounds with some tipping the trophy scale in the 40 pound class. With no doubt the King Salmon represents the tank of the fleet. Fight time to land one of these brutes can range from 15-30 minutes!
Coho Salmon will average 12-20 pounds and give you an fight of a lifetime. Hooking these torpedoes on a fly rod with light tippet is a challenge that will keep you coming back to this beautiful river for years to come. These rockets will run you all over the river. In addition to an exhilarating fight, these amazing fish take on some beautiful color when entering their spawning phase. A classic case of brawn meats beauty!

Chinook (King) Salmon begin entering the Salmon River in Pulaski NY as early as late August into the first week of September. Each year brings that anxious anticipation of when that “big” salmon run is going to take place. Starting in and around 2017 we are beginning to see big runs of Chinook Salmon in these early season months. Early September is a beautiful time of year to fly fish for Kings. The picture at the top of this page was taken on the Salmon River at the Douglaston Salmon Run in early September 2017. As you can see, the landscape is remarkable, weather is beautiful, oh and where are the crowds of fishermen you have heard of lining the banks of the Salmon River? The early season on the Salmon River is a great time to get out there without the fishing pressure we are so use to during the prime Salmon Fishing months. On the Fly Guide Service begins booking early Salmon Season guided fly fishing trips on the Douglaston Salmon Run as early as September 1st. Click Here to send us a message if you would like to discuss more about an Early Season guided fly fishing trip on New York’s Salmon River.
The prime months of the Salmon Run on the Salmon River begin to take shape around the end of September and into October. Warning these month can produce sore arms! Salmon begin to enter the river at a feverous pace during this time. During these prime months of the salmon run it is not uncommon to hook into double digits of Salmon.
Prime Salmon Season can produce exhilarating days of fly fishing and create memories that will last a life time. During this prime season one can at times, witness hundreds upon hundreds of Chinook and Coho Salmon migrating upstream to their spawning grounds. Observing this migration is an amazing spectacle of nature and something you will never forget! Click Here to send us a message if you would like to discuss more about a Prime Salmon Season guided fly fishing trip at the Douglaston Salmon Run on New York’s Salmon River.
As October begins to wind down and November begin to ramp up we have a window of opportunity where multi-species fly fishing opportunities come into play. As the mighty Steelhead begin to enter the Salmon River in greater numbers. The late season landscape is breathtaking as the fall colors are on full display! 
During this time of year, it is not uncommon to connect with Chinook Salmon, Coho Salmon, trophy fall run Lake Ontario Brown Trout, and Steelhead! I cannot express enough the beauty of Fall on the Salmon River in NY. Oh and the fishing is typically fire too! Click Here to send us a message if you would like to discuss more about a Late Season guided fly fishing trip at the Douglaston Salmon Run on New York’s Salmon River.
Virginia is for lovers but Winter is for Steelhead! This my friends is the fish of choice for Fishing Guides on the Salmon River in Pulaski, New York. As November winds down Steelhead season winds up! Steelhead average between 6 and 12 pounds with trophy catches breaching 15-20 lbs. Steelhead are often responsible for the demise of the best fishing rods and reels. A Steelhead will peel off line, and take you to your backing before you can say fish on! Steelhead are some of the most acrobatic and best pound for pound fighters in the Salmon River Pulaski, New York. Steelhead enter the river system dime bright silver and are often referred to as Chromers or Silver Bullets. Hook one and you will know why!

As the Fall Season begins to close and the Winter begins to tighten it’s grip, the fishing pressure of the Salmon River again begins to reduce. However, Steelhead season is just beginning to take off! I have often heard it said, “Steelhead fishing is not for the faint of hart.” While I find this to be true. I also find true the reward is so much sweeter when a man or woman overcomes these adverse conditions to bring one of these amazing fish to hand! If you have not tried your hand at Steelhead fishing, I strongly encourage you to get out of your comfort zone and contact On the Fly Guide Service. I promise you will be glad you did.

Click Here to send us a message if you would like to discuss more about a Winter Steelhead guided fly fishing trip at the Douglaston Salmon Run on New York’s Salmon River.

I George Zervos of On the Fly Guide Service am a Licensed and Insured Fishing Guide in New York State. It would be my honor to spend some time with you on the water. Sharing some laughs, fly fishing knowledge, local history, conversation, and tight lines!
As always, do not hesitate to contact me anytime if you would like to discuss or plan a guided fishing trip. Click Here to be taken to my contact form.